When I try to link an Etsy product with its respective Shopify product, the app is asking to override my variations on Etsy. Why should I override them?

When I try to link an Etsy product with its respective Shopify product, the app is asking to override my variations on Etsy. Why should I override them?

When linking Etsy products with their respective Shopify products, the app may ask to override variations if they don't match between the two platforms. This warning appears when the variations (like sizes, colors, etc.) on Etsy differ from those on Shopify.

If you want to use the Shopify variations on Etsy, you can choose to override them. However, if you prefer to keep the Etsy variations, it’s best to first adjust the options on Shopify to match those on Etsy, and then link them in the app. This will ensure consistency between the two platforms without needing to override any variations.