Why do we need to have a separate profile, and template when you have to have an individual template for each profile? Why can’t these be combined?

Why do we need to have a separate profile, and template when you have to have an individual template for each profile? Why can’t these be combined?

The profile is a combination of Product you choose to which this profile will apply, Category Template, Logistic Class, Shipping Template and Price Template

Category Template is a unique way through which you can define the category which you This will be using for your Product out of the many which are available on Catch.

You can use the same category template in each profile or create a different category template for each profile it depends on you. The two profile you use with the same category template
may differ based on the other selection you make in the profile like Logistic Class, Shipping Template, or Price Template

For example - You may be selling T-shirts for Men's and for some you want to sell at Free Shipping and some at a Flat Rate

In this case, you need to have two profiles in which you make a different selection for product and assign the same category template but the Logistic Class may differ to be Flat Rate
in one and Free in another.

In each profile, you have the option to choose the same Category Template, Price Template or Shipping Template or create a new one.

If any still any confusion you can reach out to us directly.
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