Why my listing are not showing on Etsy?

Why my listing are not showing on Etsy?

There could be multiple reasons why the listings are not visible on your Etsy Shop. Check out for the possible solutions below:

  • Your products might only be present in the application. You are required to publish the products on Etsy first via the app. To publish the products via the app, you can visit the 'All Products', select the products you want to publish on Etsy & choose the option "Publish on Etsy" from the appearing bulk drop-down menu. Once the products are published, the listing will be visible on your Etsy shop.

  • The other reason can possibly be your Etsy Shop is in Draft Mode. If your Etsy shop is incomplete or in draft status your products will not appear on Etsy for the buyers to purchase. You are required to make your Etsy shop live first. Once the shop is live, your products will be visible on your Etsy Shop.

  • Other possible reason may include your products being expired or sold out. If your product is expired or sold out, the buyers will not be able to see those certain products on Etsy. Renew those expired/sold out listings accordingly so that the listings are made visible on your Etsy shop for the buyers to purchase.