Wish Configuration Settings
After obtaining the
Client ID,
Client Secret, and
Authorization Code values from the Wish Seller account, the Magento store owner has to paste them on the
Wish Configuration page of the admin panel.
To set up the configuration settings in the Magento Admin panel - Go to the Magento Admin panel.
- On the top navigation bar, point to the Wish menu, and then click Configuration. The Wish Configuration page appears as shown in the following figure:
Under Wish Setting, do the following steps:
- In the Enabled list, select Yes to enable the Wish Integration extension.
In the Sandbox list, select one of the following options:
- In the Code box, paste the Authorization Code copied from the Wish seller panel.
Click the Save Config button.
The settings are saved and the corresponding values appear in the following fields:
- API Url
- API Refresh Token
- Redirect URI
- API Access Token
- In the Debug mode list, select Yes. Note: Choose Yes to Start Wish Integration in debug mode. It captures the log for the debug process.
- In the Select Store list, select the single store.
- In the Choose Default Payment Method for Wish Orders list, select the required payment method.
- In the Order Prefix for Wish Orders box, enter the text to prefix with the Order Id.
For example, Use Wish- For Wish-10001.
- In the Store Admin Email Id box, enter the email Id.
- In the Enable Automated Shipment list, select Yes to enable the automated shipment. Note: Automated Shipment supports only Shipstation and Shipworks.
- Scroll down to the Wish Cron Management tab, and then click the tab.
The tab is expanded and the corresponding field under the section appears as shown in the following figure:
Under Wish Cron Management, do the following step:
- In the Cron Chunk Size list, select the chunk size for cron jobs to sync the product with Wish.com.
- Scroll down to the Product Edit Settings tab, and then click the tab.
The tab is expanded and the corresponding fields under the section appear as shown in the following figure:
Under Product Edit Settings, enable or disable the following fields based on the business requirement:
- Auto Sync With Wish: If selected Yes, then it auto disables the product on tophatter.com if the product is disabled or deleted.
- Show Upload Button: If selected Yes, then it displays the product upload button on the product edit page.
- Send Configurable (Parent) Product's Name: Choose Yes to send parent product name during configurable products upload if required.
- Send Configurable (Parent) Product's Price: Choose Yes to send parent product price (similar to the price displayed on the Magento frontend view) during configurable products upload if required.
- Send Configurable (Parent) Product's Image: Choose Yes to send parent product image (similar to the image displayed on the Magento frontend view) during configurable products upload if required.
- Send Configurable (Parent) Product's Description: Choose Yes to send parent product description (similar to the product description displayed on the Magento frontend view) during configurable products upload if required.
- Disable Child Products: If required, choose Yes to archive the child product on wish.com once its parent config product is disabled or deleted.
- Scroll down to the Minimum Wish Attribute Mapping to List Mapping on Wish.com tab, and then click the tab.
The tab is expanded and the corresponding fields under the section appear as shown in the following figure:
Under the Minimum Wish Attribute Mapping to List Mapping on Wish.com section, enter product attribute codes used for sending information on Wish in the following fields:
- Click the Save Config button.
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