

Affiliate users can view the Commission Withdrawal Request history on the Withdrawal page. Note: They cannot request for another withdrawal if any request is still pending. To view the Withdrawal list
  1. Go to the Affiliate panel.
  2. In the left navigation panel, click the Withdrawals menu. The Withdrawal page appears as shown in the following figure: WIthdrawalPage The following information appears in the Request List table:
    • Request Date: Date when the withdrawal Request is made
    • Amount Requested: The requested amount
    • Service Tax: The applicable service tax value - In percentage or currency value; based on the selected service Tax Mode.
    • Net Payable Amount: The amount that the admin as to pay.
    • Service Tax Mode: Percentage Or Fixed Mode
    • Email: Email Id of the Affiliate member
    • Status: Status of the Withdrawal Request.
  3. To view the more details of the request, do the following steps:
    1. Scroll down to the required amount requested for the withdrawal.
    2. In the View column, click the View link associated with the required request. The Withdrawal Details page appears as shown in the following figure: WithdrawalDetailPage This page displays some extra information related to the Affiliate member.