You can't update the Price and Inventory in this state, first you need to Activate the listing.
You cannot update the "Price and Inventory" on the Etsy shop, because your listing is in the "Draft" state, you can only update anything on Etsy when the listing is present in the "Active" state.
Will CedCommerce Etsy Integration generate SKUs for my products on Etsy?
Yes.! CedCommerce will generate custom SKUs to your products in case they don't have any and list the same on the marketplace as well.
Why my listing are not showing on Etsy?
There could be multiple reasons why the listings are not visible on your Etsy Shop. Check out for the possible solutions below: Your products might only be present in the application. You are required to publish the products on Etsy first via the ...
Why I'm getting the error "Attachment not found in digital product" while publishing my products on Etsy?
For listing a digital product on Etsy , you need to provide a downloadable attachment file with your product which should not be larger than 5 MB & in the format as mentioned by Etsy. Once you have attached a digital file in the product, try ...
Why am I getting the error - "Could not find a shop for User with user_id"?
This error is encountered when you are trying to publish the products to an incomplete Etsy shop. To fix this error, you are required to visit your Etsy shop, complete all the onboarding steps on Etsy & make your Etsy shop live. Once the Etsy Shop is ...
Where do I choose the Policy Template?
“Policy Templates” are recently made mandatory by Etsy where you need to provide the information if and if not you are accepting exchanges/returns for your products. You can create a Policy Template inside the Template Section of the CedCommerce Etsy ...
Where can I find my Etsy products which I have created from Etsy to Shopify?
After creating the Etsy Products on Shopify, you can see those products in the "Created on Shopify" tab under the "Export to Shopify" section. If you want to manage those products from the app now, you need to first import those created products in ...
What will happen when product get link from Etsy with Shopify?
After linking already listed Etsy products with their respective Shopify products, the Etsy variants get overwritten by Shopify ones. It means the product's information on Shopify will be overridden on Etsy. Example: I have 5 variations on Etsy ...
What is Edit status, and why products are showing in Edit status?
According to Etsy If the listing gets out-of-stock on Shopify, the App will automatically inactivate the listing, putting it into the "Edit" state. However, the value will be the same as the last inventory value. You can still send 0 stock on Etsy ...
What does the error - "Only Draft listings can be created with draft API" means while uploading the products?
This error occurred while uploading the products as the owner has not completed the Etsy store on the marketplace. The owner needs to complete the Etsy store first so that the products can be uploaded to the marketplace.
What are the meanings of the different "Product Status" on Etsy?
The following Product Statuses are used in Etsy: 1.Active : The product is listed for sale on the Etsy and buyers can purchase that item now. 2.Not Uploaded : The product has not been listed on Etsy yet. 3.Draft : Draft listings are listings that ...
This listing could not be updated. The shop is on vacation.
You cannot update anything on Etsy shop, because your Etsy shop is on vacation mode. If you want to update anything from the App to Etsy you need to remove the shop from vacation. Here are the steps, on how to remove the shop from vacation mode: Sign ...
There was a problem with /quantity : cannot be empty
To need to provide the inventory of the product from your Shopify store. Once you provide the inventory the App will sync the stock automatically from Shopify to App and update it on your Etsy shop. As per Etsy, you must have inventory to publish the ...
There is an issue from Etsy side.Kindly run this action after sometime
We are getting this error from Etsy's end, please try the action after some time.
Products information on the “Dashboard” of the app is not updating?
Click on the “Last Refresh” button at the top of the Home page of the app. It will automatically update the product information. Refer to the image below:
My trial period has expired and I didn’t test the app properly
You can contact our support in case you didn’t test the app properly. After analyzing your panel, our support can help you to extend your trial period.
My tags are not showing on Etsy which are present on Shopify store.
If the tags associated with your products are present on Shopify and it is not showing on Etsy, you need to check the auto-sync setting from the App and if it's enabled then you need to re-publish the same on Etsy to update the tags. To update the ...
My product isnt showing up on etsy, it says "Sorry, this item is unavailable."
This statement might have several reasons: Maybe your products are in these states "Sold out" or "Inactive" or "Expired" If the listings are in "Sold out" or "inactive" status then you need to run "Publish on Etsy" from the App if you have inventory ...
My images are not changing on Etsy as per the variations?
To change the variation images as per the variations, you need to make sure you have mapped the ‘Link Photos to Variations’ option in the Profile. You need to map the variation option for which the images will be changed on Etsy according to the ...
Images are not uploading on the marketplace. How can I reflect them on the Etsy?
To upload the images on the Etsy marketplace, follow the below steps: 1. Visit the “Products” section then click on the "All Product" option which is present on the left navigation menu bar. 2. Select the desired products, choose the option “Update ...
If I update any field in my listings on Etsy, will that update my products in CedCommerce app and my listings on my sales channels as well?
If you update any field on Etsy such as Title, Description etc, the changes will not be updated on the CedCommere app or on your sales channel. You can update these fields in the CedCommerce app or on your Shopify and re-list the products. This will ...
If I already have products listed on Etsy then how to link them with the Etsy App?
If you have already products listed on Etsy with variants you can link them from here SKUs to avoid duplicate listings (Which have duplicate titles & SKU's). If the titles or SKUs are same you just need to click on the "Sync from Etsy" button.
I've products already listed on Etsy.! How can I view them and update their status in the app?
If the products are already listed on the Etsy, you need to follow the below steps to update the status in the app and to view already listed Etsy products: 1. Go to the "Products" section on the left side. 2. You can see the "More Action" at the top ...
I want to import more products in the app, how can I do it?
If you want to import more products in the App, then you can import them by using these steps: 1.) Click on the Product section 2.) Then click on the "Import to App" section of the App. 3.) From here you can import products on the basis of the filter ...
I have updated SKU on Shopify, How can I sync the same on Etsy using the App?
To sync the recently updated SKU on Etsy, you need to perform the 'Update price and Inventory' action from the Product Section of the App. Go to Products >> All Products >> Choose the Products >> Update Price & Inventory (from Bulk Action). Refer to ...
I have imported my Etsy products to Shopify, but they are not showing in the app.
Here are the reasons- Check the Product Import option you have selected at the time of Product import from the Setting section. Check the product limit; it might be exhausted as per your pricing plan. A new product takes up to 15 minutes to be shown ...
I can't see any of my products on my Etsy store. What can be the reason(s)?
There are two possible reasons why you can't see any of your products on Etsy store: Products created on the App but not on Etsy - This means that you are yet to complete all the onboarding steps of the App. In this case, your products are created ...
I already have products listed on Etsy then how will I link them with my Shopify store via the app?
If you have the same products on both Etsy & Shopify then you can link them easily in the app so that the app will acknowledge them & will not create Duplicate listongs on Etsy. For the products that are common on both Etsy & Shopify, they either ...
How to upload digital products on Etsy via the CedCommerce Etsy Integration app?
To publish your Digital Products on Etsy via the CedCommerce Etsy Integration app, you need to follow below steps: Go the "Products" section of the App then select the "All Products" option. Select the "Digital" products from the product grid. After ...
How to update listing(s) from status 'Draft' to 'Active'?
To update the listing status from Draft to Active follow the below steps: From the menu, Click on Products and from the sub-menu, select 'All Products' From the list choose the listings for which you wish to update the status. Go to Bulk action >> ...
How to unpublish products on Etsy via the app?
To unpublish the products on Etsy via the CedCommerce Etsy Integration app, you need to follow the below steps: Visit the "All Products" section under the 'Products'. Select the Active Products that you want to unpublish/inactivate on Etsy by ...
How to renew the listing?
To renew a listing from the CedCommerce Etsy Integration app, you need to follow the below steps: Visit the 'All Products' under the 'Products'. Select the products that you want to renew by checking on the checkboxes. Choose the option ...
How to Publish removed listing on Etsy?
To Publish removed listings on Etsy, please follow these steps:- Go to the All product section. Select the products which you want to Publish on Etsy Click on "Sync with Etsy" to update the status of products, then Choose action "Publish on Etsy" and ...
How to link Etsy products with your Shopify products?
Manually link your Etsy products with Shopify products 1.) If your products not contains the same sku and variations options then you need to link manually those Etsy products with Shopify products. FROM HERE. Products are not available in the App ...
How to edit my products on the Etsy Integration App?
To edit any information of any product, you must go through the following steps: Click on “Products” which is present on the left Navigation bar of the dashboard. Click on icon in “ACTIONS” column. Before making changes in the product information, ...
How to create/import products from Etsy to Shopify?
To import products from Etsy to Shopify you need to follow these steps: 1. Click on the "Product" section of the App. 2. Click on the "Export to Shopify" option. 3. From the "Not linked" tab you can choose the products which you want to import on ...
How much will it take to update inventories from Shopify to Etsy?
The CedCommerce Etsy Integration app will automatically sync and update the product inventories from Shopify to Etsy in near real time.
How many variations can I list on Etsy?
You can list up to 70 Options for each Variation Property (where the Max. Variation Property is 2) generating the combinations up to 4900 unique products.
How many tags can I assign to my product on Etsy and what is the total limit of characters of a tag on Etsy?
You can assign a Maximum 13 Tags to your product each having a total limit of 20 characters.
How linking helpful for my already listed Etsy products?
If you are already selling your products on Etsy, then you can manage their inventory and Orders from Shopify after linking them from the App.
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