Can this app sync Etsy products with Shopify, create Etsy products on Shopify, and map existing Etsy listings to Shopify products?
Yes, the app allows you to manage Etsy products and orders on Shopify by creating or linking products. Here's how:
1. Create Etsy Products on Shopify:
The app can create your existing Etsy products on Shopify, enabling you to manage them from Shopify. Follow these steps:
- Go to the Export to Shopify section under Products in the left navigation menu.
- Click on the Sync from Etsy button in the top-right corner. After the process completes, click Back.
- Products that are not linked will appear under the Not Linked tab.
- Select the products you want to create on Shopify. From the bulk action menu, choose Create on Shopify and click Action.
- Products with the same titles will be created on Shopify.
2. No Products on Shopify?
If you don’t have any Shopify products and want to onboard your Etsy products, follow these steps:
- To complete onboarding, create at least one test product on Shopify and import it into the app.
- Then, go to the Link Etsy Products section under Products in the left navigation menu.
- Click on the Sync from Etsy button under the Already Selling on Etsy heading. After completion, click Back.
- Unlinked products will appear under the Not Linked tab. Select the desired products, choose Create on Shopify from the bulk action menu, and click Action.
3. Map Etsy Products to Shopify:
If you have the same products on both Etsy and Shopify (even with slight differences in titles or descriptions), you can map them in the app:
- Products will link automatically if they have the same SKUs or titles.
- If they don’t link automatically, you can manually link them in the app under the Not Linked tab.
- By linking or creating Etsy products on Shopify, the app will sync orders and inventory between both platforms seamlessly.